When I go to the nature,
I can feel the positive energy,
I can feel when I touch the flower,
I can feel when I breathe the fresh air,
I can feel when I see the caring and loving animals,
I can feel the freedom without no boundary,
I can feel my body connect with the nature
When I go to the city,
I can feel the negative energy,
I can feel when I touch the metal structure,
I can feel when I breathe the dirty air,
I can feel when I see the selfishness human,
I can feel the law without no freedom,
I can feel my body connect with the city
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Aku merenung tajam tepat ke arah cikguku seperti seorang askar yang sedang mengacukan senjatanya tepat ke arah musuh. Matahari sudah tinggi melangit. Deru dingin sama berlalu. Burung-burung terbang meliar seluruh alam. Aku di sini. Kebosanan mula meresap ke dalam jiwaku seperti virus menjangkiti manusia. menunggu, menunggu dan menunggu cikguku menyeru namaku. Ramzi.
"Haikal, 40 markah. Sakinah, 60 markah. Johan, 67 markah. Soleh, 73 markah..."
"Blah...blah...blah. Aduh, kenapa lambat sangat ni. Dah lama aku tunggu, menunggu dan ditunggu ni."
Aku berang sedang menunggu namaku naik dipanggil oleh cikguku. Hati mahu mengerakkan halilintar. Tanganku sudah sejuk menggila. Sampai bila aku mahu menunggu ni. Sampai subuh menjelma!
"Ramzi !"
Namaku dipanggil! Wahdu, tanpa panjangkan fikiranku. Aku bangun, mengangkat punggungku dari kerusi. Berjalan seperti orang kaya gila. Semua pelajar memandang cemburu terhadapku karena mereka tahu akan kehebatan intelekku. Aku tak perlukan kawan. Aku tak perlukan bantuan. Aku hanya perlu pentingkan diriku sahaja.
"Tahniah Ramzi, Kamu dapat 90 markah dalam subjek Bahasa Melayu!"
"Ya cikgu...Terima kasih, terima kasih..."
Aku kembali semula ke tempat asalku. Mereka semua masih lagi memandang jeling kepadaku. Sekarang mereka dapat rasakan tenaga neraka dari badanku dihantar kepada mereka semua yang berada di dalam kelas. Ada juga yang bermasam muka dan berkerut dahi tua mereka di hadapanku. Sungguh kurang diajar.
"Suhaimi...98 markah!"
Tiba-tiba, telingaku terasa gatal sangat selepas mendengar apa yang telah diserukan oleh cikguku. Mana mungkin dia bisa mendapat markah yang lebih tinggi dariku. Mustahil. Tiada siapa yang dapat menghempas mukaku ke lantai kotor. Kurang asam.
Aku cuba memikirkan siapakah pemuda itu. Oh ya, baruku ingat, dia itu budak baru di sekolahku ini. Baru berhijrah ke sekolah ini seminggu lalu. Budak mentah. Tetapi, sementah-mentah dia, dia dapat menandingiku. Budak mentah sudah tukar menjadi budak masak sepenuh habis. Aku pula yang tersongsang dirombak menjadi budak mentah, sementah-mentahnya.
Hulu jantungku semakin panas, bukan disebabkan oleh penyakit hulu hati. Tetapi disebabkan oleh budak baru itu. Sanggup mereka semua merelakan tangan jijik mereka itu untuk ditepuk dan dimuntahkan keluar kepada budak baru itu. Kenapa tidak diberikan kepadaku!
Punggungku sudah panas membara membakar kerusiku. Telinga yang terasa gatal tadi sudah hilang dijangkiti penyakit panas dengki. Darahku naik setinggi-tingginya sehingga ke tahap kritikal. Mataku hanya tertumpu pada budak baru itu. Kali ini aku benar-benar mahu mengacukan senjataku kepada dia. Letupkan kepalanya. Biar hilang dari dunia ini. Sepanjang aku bersekolah di sini, tiada siapa yang dapat mengatasi graf kepandaianku. Graf mereka semua berada di belakangku. Paling belakang!
"Tengok Ramzi...Budak tu kalahkan engkau. Macam mana rasanya. Pahit...Manis...Masam...atau yang sama waktu dengannya?"
"Kau diam Aiman!...Sibuk saja..."
"Ok budak tak pandai hahaha..."
Kata-kata Aiman tadi membangkitkan semangat syaitan dalam diriku lagi. Kali ini aku rasa mahu memberikan hadiah kesakitan buatnya. Tumbukan. Aku nyaris-nyaris mahu menumbuknya, tetapi bunyi loceng waktu rehat telah membatalkan hasratku.
Mereka semua telah keluar dari kelas. Aku juga menurut perintah keluar dari kelas kegelapan. Aku bercadang untuk mengikuti Suhaimi si budak mentah itu. Suasana yang riuh-rendah di sekolah pada waktu rehat menyebabkan aku sukar untuk mengikuti jejak langkah dia. Tetapi aku berusaha untuk mendekatinya. Aku terus ikut, ikut, ikut dan ikut sehingga sampai ke tandas. Dia berhenti. Aku mengikutinya ke dalam tandas.
Aku terus menerkamnya seperti seekor singa dengan melepaskan tangan kananku untuk mencekik Suhaimi sehingga dia terhentak ke dinding tandas. Mata berapiku mula melihat tajam ke arah mukanya. Mulutku mula mengeluarkan bara-bara api.
"Oh...berani kau nak lawan markah dengan aku...Kurang ajar."
"Arghh...Siapa kau ni hah?"
"Aku Ramzi...Budak paling pandai dekat sekolah ni."
"Oh ya...aku selalu dengar nama kau dari cikgu-cikgu dekat sekolah ni."
"Mestilah...Mereka pun akur dengan kehebatan aku dan kau ni siapa nak tunjuk hebat. Berani kau kalahkan aku. BERANI KAU YA!!!"
"Nampak sangat kau riak...Hei, cikgu dekat sekolah lama aku kata siapa yang cakap dia paling pandai, maknanya dialah yang paling bodoh. KAU FAHAM TAK!!!"
Kata-kata suhaimi tadi telah membenakkan hati kegelapanku. Kata-kata dia menusuk jiwaku. Tanpa menerima arahan dari otakku, aku melepaskan genggaman tanganku dari leher Suhaimi dengan rela hatinya.
"Apa maksud kau Suhaimi?"
"Maksudnya...KAU NI SOMBONG! KAU NI SUKA BERLAGAK! KAU NI RIAK! KAU NI PENTINGKAN DIRI SENDIRI!...Sebab tu kau tak ada seorang kawan pun dekat sekolah ni. Sebab perangai kau. Orang tak akan pandang kepandaian kau kalau sikap kau macam ni...Sampah. Sedarlah diri tu sikit...Kau ingat kau dah cukup ilmu di dada, kau ingat kau dah hebat sangat. Hei...Budak dekat universiti tu pun belum cukup ilmu lagi...Walaupun mereka dah banyak ilmu tapi mereka berusaha untuk mencarinya. Tak macam kau...Dah ada ilmu, tak nak cari lagi, tak nak kongsi dengan kawan-kawan. Hei kawan...Ilmu tu terbentang luas macam laut...Kau baru dapat sikit saja, dah nak berlagak."
Teguran yang amat kasar itu telah melembutkan lagi hatiku. Aku berasa kesal dengan sikapku. Aku dah banyak buat kesalahan kepada cikgu dan kawan-kawanku yang berada di sekolah. aku cukup kesal. Kesal. Sangat kesal yang amat. Anak mataku mula mengeluarkan titisan keinsafan. Membuang segala perasaan benci, hasat dengki, dan sombong dari badanku.
"Sudah-sudahlah...Aku maafkan kau...Apa yang penting sekarang ni, kau ubah sikap kau. Jadi lebih baik dari hari ni, lebih baik dari semalam dan lebih baik dari kelmarin. Aku sanggup jadi kawan kau. Kita boleh belajar bersama-sama. Manalah tahu, kita sama-sama boleh berjaya. Kau dan aku."
"Boleh ke?"
Aku berjabat damai dengan Suhaimi. Sejak dari hari itu, aku telah banyak berubah. Aku menghormati cikgu-cikguku dan rakan-rakanku. Aku juga dapat ramai kawan. Aku dan Suhaimi selalu membantu antara satu sama lain. Dialah kawan sejatiku. Sekarang aku dan Suhaimi sudah melanjutkan pelajaran ke unversiti. Memang benarlah kata Suhaimi, siapa yang cakap dia paling pandai, maknanya dialah yang paling bodoh.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Hari Raya
Bahtera Ramadan mula menghujung,
kapal Syawal mula mendatang,
bulan sudah mula mengambang,
menandakan Islam sudah menang
Pagi raya kita bersama,
bersama dengan sanak-saudara,
segera menunaikan solat bersama,
tanda kita sayang akan-Nya
Marilah kita mengeratkan hubungan,
segera bersama kita bermaaf-maafan,
bersama keluarga dan sanak-saudara,
agar perpaduan ummah terbina
Ketupat rendang sudah tersedia,
mari kita menjamu selera,
jangan dilupa saudara kita,
yang berada di bumi ambiya
Jangan biarkan nafsu bermaharajalela,
menguasai tubuh badan kita,
makan hendaklah berpada-pada,
agar kesihatan dapat dijaga
Mari kita menziarahi jiran tetangga,
mengeratkan silaturahim sesama kita,
hormat-menghormati sesama kita,
agar semangat kejiranan terbina
Memohon ampun dan maaf dari saya,
jika ada terkasar bahasa,
sepanjang perjalanan hidup saya,
bersama rakan-rakan dan keluarga,
selamat hari raya Aidilfitri,
maaf zahir dan batin
kapal Syawal mula mendatang,
bulan sudah mula mengambang,
menandakan Islam sudah menang
Pagi raya kita bersama,
bersama dengan sanak-saudara,
segera menunaikan solat bersama,
tanda kita sayang akan-Nya
Marilah kita mengeratkan hubungan,
segera bersama kita bermaaf-maafan,
bersama keluarga dan sanak-saudara,
agar perpaduan ummah terbina
Ketupat rendang sudah tersedia,
mari kita menjamu selera,
jangan dilupa saudara kita,
yang berada di bumi ambiya
Jangan biarkan nafsu bermaharajalela,
menguasai tubuh badan kita,
makan hendaklah berpada-pada,
agar kesihatan dapat dijaga
Mari kita menziarahi jiran tetangga,
mengeratkan silaturahim sesama kita,
hormat-menghormati sesama kita,
agar semangat kejiranan terbina
Memohon ampun dan maaf dari saya,
jika ada terkasar bahasa,
sepanjang perjalanan hidup saya,
bersama rakan-rakan dan keluarga,
selamat hari raya Aidilfitri,
maaf zahir dan batin
Monday, 15 July 2013
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Friday, 21 June 2013
Poem - Save or Kill
I looking to the mirror,
I see my whole face,
Full of lies and sadness,
Full of dark matter
What is happening right now?
Is there a people fight for human rights?
Is there a people protecting their own religions?
Is there a people saving the environment?
I'm from modern human civilization,
I don't care about human rights,
I don't care about religions,
I don't care about environment
Because what is important to me,
Is money and wealth,
Because that is how the world works today,
Capitalism control us
I just care about business,
I just care about wealth,
I just care about appearance,
Not reality,
I just care about the world,
Not the after world
When I looking back to the mirror again,
I realize that I just kill this world,
I refuse to heal the world,
I'm a taker,Not a giver
If there is any chances to save this world,
I will use it wisely,
I will use my wisdom and talent,
To make this world,
A better place
I see my whole face,
Full of lies and sadness,
Full of dark matter
What is happening right now?
Is there a people fight for human rights?
Is there a people protecting their own religions?
Is there a people saving the environment?
I'm from modern human civilization,
I don't care about human rights,
I don't care about religions,
I don't care about environment
Because what is important to me,
Is money and wealth,
Because that is how the world works today,
Capitalism control us
I just care about business,
I just care about wealth,
I just care about appearance,
Not reality,
I just care about the world,
Not the after world
When I looking back to the mirror again,
I realize that I just kill this world,
I refuse to heal the world,
I'm a taker,Not a giver
If there is any chances to save this world,
I will use it wisely,
I will use my wisdom and talent,
To make this world,
A better place
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Video Game Poetry - Metro : Last Light
Metro Last Light,
Set in post-apocalyptic world,
Using the element of survival horror,
Using a dark environment,
My name is Artyom,
I survived from the nuclear blast,
That takes place in Russia,
Then after a few years,
I become a Ranger,
Fight for my people in Metro
We protect our people in Metro,
From dangerous creatures and
dangerous enemy called Nazi Reich,
They try to take over all section
in the Metro
Before we engaged our enemy,
We using the environment around us,
Like turn off the lights to keep
our stealth move,
Using a lighter to avoid fighting with mutants,
Using our own modified weapons,
Throwing knife to the head
When I come out from the underground
and climb up to the high ground,
I see my beautiful homeland,
Turns to the chemical hell land,
Caused by the nuclear blast
When I stand my feet to this wasteland,
I can sense dangerous will come to me,
I will have to fight dangerous mutants,
Meet with the mysterious alien called Dark One,
My friend Khan believes the Dark One
is the key to humanity's future,
But my Ranger leader Colonel Miller
wants to kill the Dark One
Then I meet with Pavel Morozov,
He help me escape from the Reich,
But then I have been captured by Red Line soldier,
Because Pavel is the officer of Red Line soldier
While I escaping from Red Line citadel,
I heard General Korbut plan to capture D6
and take control the entire Metro,
I manage to save the Dark One child,
Because he saved my life when I was a child
After that I arrived at Polis,
The Metro central station,
I fight my way to stop General Korbut,
From attacking the D6 facility,
I heavily injured after I get shot,
When I wake up from my injured,
I surrounded by General Korbut and his men,
Prepare to execute me
and my friends
I must make a choice,
Whether I want to activate self-destruct device,
To prevent General Korbut using the facility,
To wipe out the humanity,
Or the Dark One will come to save me,
And defeat General Korbut and his army,
That will brings hope to the humanity,
And stay alive,
The choice is on my hands
Set in post-apocalyptic world,
Using the element of survival horror,
Using a dark environment,
My name is Artyom,
I survived from the nuclear blast,
That takes place in Russia,
Then after a few years,
I become a Ranger,
Fight for my people in Metro
We protect our people in Metro,
From dangerous creatures and
dangerous enemy called Nazi Reich,
They try to take over all section
in the Metro
Before we engaged our enemy,
We using the environment around us,
Like turn off the lights to keep
our stealth move,
Using a lighter to avoid fighting with mutants,
Using our own modified weapons,
Throwing knife to the head
When I come out from the underground
and climb up to the high ground,
I see my beautiful homeland,
Turns to the chemical hell land,
Caused by the nuclear blast
When I stand my feet to this wasteland,
I can sense dangerous will come to me,
I will have to fight dangerous mutants,
Meet with the mysterious alien called Dark One,
My friend Khan believes the Dark One
is the key to humanity's future,
But my Ranger leader Colonel Miller
wants to kill the Dark One
Then I meet with Pavel Morozov,
He help me escape from the Reich,
But then I have been captured by Red Line soldier,
Because Pavel is the officer of Red Line soldier
While I escaping from Red Line citadel,
I heard General Korbut plan to capture D6
and take control the entire Metro,
I manage to save the Dark One child,
Because he saved my life when I was a child
After that I arrived at Polis,
The Metro central station,
I fight my way to stop General Korbut,
From attacking the D6 facility,
I heavily injured after I get shot,
When I wake up from my injured,
I surrounded by General Korbut and his men,
Prepare to execute me
and my friends
I must make a choice,
Whether I want to activate self-destruct device,
To prevent General Korbut using the facility,
To wipe out the humanity,
Or the Dark One will come to save me,
And defeat General Korbut and his army,
That will brings hope to the humanity,
And stay alive,
The choice is on my hands
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Poem - Sparkle of the daylight
In the sparkle of the daylight,
I see the wonderful rainbow,
Shine the soul of sunset,
See the grass grow.
I praise to the mighty god,
For giving me this spirit,
To let me see and heard,
And live into this world.
When the rose turns to red,
It grow slowly with harmony,
It brought the happiness,
Like the melody of daisy.
If you have a very bad day,
Never let it down to you,
Face it like the ocean of peace,
Because that what makes you,
A better person.
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Friday, 24 May 2013
Sajak - Jajah
Desas-desus sudah bermula,
Peperangan sudah tersula,
Semua bersedia memegang senjata,
Melawan musuh yang durjana
Jam menunjukkan dua belas tengah hari,
Semua menjamah santapan tengah hari,
Tapi hari ini tidak bagi kami,
Kerana hari ini kami,
Memegang senjata api
Tahun dua ribu lima puluh,
Negara aku telah dijajah,
Musuh yang menyerang secara halus,
Seperti virus menyerang luka,
Musuh yang kejam,
Tanpa belas kasihan
Bagaikan jarum menusuk badan,
Rakyatku mengkhianati negara,
Menggulingkan negara,
Membenarkan kuasa asing,
Memerintah negara tercinta ini
Aku berasa marah,
Seperti syaitan merasuk tubuhku,
Melihat ibu dan kanak-kanak,
Melihat anak muda dan orang tua,
Diseksa dan dibunuh kejam,
Kerana rakyatku yang dahagakan,
ketamakan dan kebendaan
Kami sebagai anak watan,
Berusaha mencapai keamanan,
Berusaha menangkap kemerdekaan,
Berusaha menerap semangat patriotik,
Berusaha menghalau penjajah
Peperangan sudah tersula,
Semua bersedia memegang senjata,
Melawan musuh yang durjana
Jam menunjukkan dua belas tengah hari,
Semua menjamah santapan tengah hari,
Tapi hari ini tidak bagi kami,
Kerana hari ini kami,
Memegang senjata api
Tahun dua ribu lima puluh,
Negara aku telah dijajah,
Musuh yang menyerang secara halus,
Seperti virus menyerang luka,
Musuh yang kejam,
Tanpa belas kasihan
Bagaikan jarum menusuk badan,
Rakyatku mengkhianati negara,
Menggulingkan negara,
Membenarkan kuasa asing,
Memerintah negara tercinta ini
Aku berasa marah,
Seperti syaitan merasuk tubuhku,
Melihat ibu dan kanak-kanak,
Melihat anak muda dan orang tua,
Diseksa dan dibunuh kejam,
Kerana rakyatku yang dahagakan,
ketamakan dan kebendaan
Kami sebagai anak watan,
Berusaha mencapai keamanan,
Berusaha menangkap kemerdekaan,
Berusaha menerap semangat patriotik,
Berusaha menghalau penjajah
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Poem - Radioactive Love
How dare you give me,
A radioactive love,
I trust you with my whole life,
And this is how you treat me ?
I always care about you,
But you don't care about me,
You see my whole face,
Like I'm the ugliest man
in the universe.
I always thinking about you,
But you always forget about me,
The way that she gave negative
look about me,
It just like fire raining
fall to me.
The way that she walk,
Towards to me,
I feel like a group of soldier,
Come to kill me,
With no loves and merciless.
The way that she talk,
I feel like poison bullets,
Shot through my innocent bodies,
With no loves with rude tones.
The day that we met,
You have the most beautiful eyes,
More beautiful than ever I seen,
You have the gorgeous hair,
And great looking.
Inside your heart,
There's a darkside demons,
That try to destroy me,
Because she will fall in loves,
With the richest man.
The day that we break up,
She said that I can't give
things that she want,
The things that she mention
is money and wealth.
The day that she leave me,
My heart feels very hurt and mad,
Like virus spread through
my bodies and organs,
Because I'm not from rich family,
And I can't give everything that she want.
Now I realise that,
We can't judge by his great looking,
We need to judge by inside of
his heart and feeling,
Then you will find,
The perfect woman.
A radioactive love,
I trust you with my whole life,
And this is how you treat me ?
I always care about you,
But you don't care about me,
You see my whole face,
Like I'm the ugliest man
in the universe.
I always thinking about you,
But you always forget about me,
The way that she gave negative
look about me,
It just like fire raining
fall to me.
The way that she walk,
Towards to me,
I feel like a group of soldier,
Come to kill me,
With no loves and merciless.
The way that she talk,
I feel like poison bullets,
Shot through my innocent bodies,
With no loves with rude tones.
The day that we met,
You have the most beautiful eyes,
More beautiful than ever I seen,
You have the gorgeous hair,
And great looking.
Inside your heart,
There's a darkside demons,
That try to destroy me,
Because she will fall in loves,
With the richest man.
The day that we break up,
She said that I can't give
things that she want,
The things that she mention
is money and wealth.
The day that she leave me,
My heart feels very hurt and mad,
Like virus spread through
my bodies and organs,
Because I'm not from rich family,
And I can't give everything that she want.
Now I realise that,
We can't judge by his great looking,
We need to judge by inside of
his heart and feeling,
Then you will find,
The perfect woman.
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Poem - I Remember
I remember our friendship,
Friendship that will never be forgotten,
Either we are young or old,
Dead or alive,
Our friendship will never break
I remember our friendship,
You always take care of me,
I always take care of you,
Whenever we are in trouble,
We always help each other
I remember our friendship,
It just like clouds smiles,
Sometimes we feeling good,
Sometimes we feeling bad,
But it's alright,
We will face it with calm
I remember our friendship,
I can't live without you,
Without you,
My life will be darkness,
Like sun never came back to the earth
I remember our friendship,
From the beginning we met,
Till we make our own ways,
I will keep our sweet rainbow memories,
Memories that make my life,
Like falling candy rains
I hope we will meet again,
Share all the good times,
Talking about the future,
Friends connecting humans
Friendship that will never be forgotten,
Either we are young or old,
Dead or alive,
Our friendship will never break
I remember our friendship,
You always take care of me,
I always take care of you,
Whenever we are in trouble,
We always help each other
I remember our friendship,
It just like clouds smiles,
Sometimes we feeling good,
Sometimes we feeling bad,
But it's alright,
We will face it with calm
I remember our friendship,
I can't live without you,
Without you,
My life will be darkness,
Like sun never came back to the earth
I remember our friendship,
From the beginning we met,
Till we make our own ways,
I will keep our sweet rainbow memories,
Memories that make my life,
Like falling candy rains
I hope we will meet again,
Share all the good times,
Talking about the future,
Friends connecting humans
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Poem - Mother Earth
My Lovely Mother Earth,
I always see your greatest creations,
Yellow desert,blue oceans,green forests and a white sky,
Your creations always make me happy,peace and calm,
The greatest gold nature,
Made by god
But sadly,
All that good feeling won't long last forever,
The earth been remade by human,
Turn the earth into bio-chemicals planet,
Full of pollution,
Made by human
My Lovely Mother Earth,
I always see your greatest wild life,
Big elephants,giant whales,brave tigers and a wing of freedom birds,
Your animals always add a wonderful things on this planet,
Like adding a paint into a paper,
Made by god
But worst,
All that wonderful things lost in the blink of eye,
The animals has been kill and torture,
Take their feathers and skins,
Just for one name,
Made by human
Mother Earth,
I always hope this planet,
Become alive again,
Away from chemicals and illegal hunters,
May god take care of this planet
I always see your greatest creations,
Yellow desert,blue oceans,green forests and a white sky,
Your creations always make me happy,peace and calm,
The greatest gold nature,
Made by god
But sadly,
All that good feeling won't long last forever,
The earth been remade by human,
Turn the earth into bio-chemicals planet,
Full of pollution,
Made by human
My Lovely Mother Earth,
I always see your greatest wild life,
Big elephants,giant whales,brave tigers and a wing of freedom birds,
Your animals always add a wonderful things on this planet,
Like adding a paint into a paper,
Made by god
But worst,
All that wonderful things lost in the blink of eye,
The animals has been kill and torture,
Take their feathers and skins,
Just for one name,
Made by human
Mother Earth,
I always hope this planet,
Become alive again,
Away from chemicals and illegal hunters,
May god take care of this planet
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Sajak - Kasih Guru
Kau mengajar kami,
di bangku sekolah lagi,
daripada kami tidak mengenal angka,
sehingga kami mengenal angka,
daripada kami tidak mengenal huruf,
sehingga kami mengenal huruf
Biarpun taufan bertiup kencang,
kami akan tetap ke menara gading,
kerana kau mempersiapkan diri kami,
dengan ilmu yang terserlah di hati
Kau mengajar erti kehidupan,
kehidupan yang bermakna,
kehidupan yang sebenar,
untuk kami menghadapi,
rintangan yang mendatang
Kau pembakar semangat jiwaku,
untuk meneruskan pelajaranku,
kau tak henti mengajarku,
bagai mengejar api di lautan
Kau membina jati diri kami,
untuk cinta akan tanah air kami,
untuk membina semangat patriotik,
dalam diri kami
kau telah memimpin kami,
sehingga kami meningkat usia,
untuk kami mengganti,
pemimpin terdahulu,
menerajui tanah air ini
Kau mengajar kami,
di bangku sekolah lagi,
daripada kami tidak mengenal angka,
sehingga kami mengenal angka,
daripada kami tidak mengenal huruf,
sehingga kami mengenal huruf
Biarpun taufan bertiup kencang,
kami akan tetap ke menara gading,
kerana kau mempersiapkan diri kami,
dengan ilmu yang terserlah di hati
Kau mengajar erti kehidupan,
kehidupan yang bermakna,
kehidupan yang sebenar,
untuk kami menghadapi,
rintangan yang mendatang
Kau pembakar semangat jiwaku,
untuk meneruskan pelajaranku,
kau tak henti mengajarku,
bagai mengejar api di lautan
Kau membina jati diri kami,
untuk cinta akan tanah air kami,
untuk membina semangat patriotik,
dalam diri kami
kau telah memimpin kami,
sehingga kami meningkat usia,
untuk kami mengganti,
pemimpin terdahulu,
menerajui tanah air ini
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Sajak - Anak Palestin
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau pembakar semangat jiwaku,
Untuk melawan musuhmu,
Musuh yang dilaknat oleh tuhanku,
Demi yang maha agung tuhanku
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau pembawa perjuangan suci-Nya,
Kau dibunuh oleh peluru-peluru neraka,
Kau membalas dengan batu-batu syurga,
Syahidmu menjadi contoh rakyat Malaysia
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau penguat kepada akhlakku,
Kau mendahului kami menjadi mulia kepada-Mu,
Demi Palestin kami berdoa kepada-Mu,
Supaya Allah membebaskan tanah suciku
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau pembawa kepada kebenaran-Nya,
Walaupun mereka menipu daya dunia,
Kami akan bersama para anbiya,
Sehingga ke hujung nyawa
Wahai anak Palestin,
Usahlah kamu berduka,
Kami akan bersama dengan akidah-Nya,
Kami akan mempersiapkan ilmu di dada,
Untuk membebaskan tanah suci-Nya
Kau pembakar semangat jiwaku,
Untuk melawan musuhmu,
Musuh yang dilaknat oleh tuhanku,
Demi yang maha agung tuhanku
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau pembawa perjuangan suci-Nya,
Kau dibunuh oleh peluru-peluru neraka,
Kau membalas dengan batu-batu syurga,
Syahidmu menjadi contoh rakyat Malaysia
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau penguat kepada akhlakku,
Kau mendahului kami menjadi mulia kepada-Mu,
Demi Palestin kami berdoa kepada-Mu,
Supaya Allah membebaskan tanah suciku
Wahai anak Palestin,
Kau pembawa kepada kebenaran-Nya,
Walaupun mereka menipu daya dunia,
Kami akan bersama para anbiya,
Sehingga ke hujung nyawa
Wahai anak Palestin,
Usahlah kamu berduka,
Kami akan bersama dengan akidah-Nya,
Kami akan mempersiapkan ilmu di dada,
Untuk membebaskan tanah suci-Nya
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